Home » Client Application » For Publishing

Application for those individuals requiring a book, video, or audio publisher

Step 1: Login Info

All potential clients are encouraged to complete an application so we can directly attach your project to your account.

  Multiple accounts can be created by a single organization, though it may expedite the process by using a single designated individual.

  All fields on this slide are required.
Step 2: Contact Information

Please provide as much information below as possible to help us establish an accurate contact database. This information is to be used in client account creation and to attach projects to a specific account.

  Information provided on this slide should match the Organization as much as possible and may be used in the printing process. Please verify all information. Sanity Press is not responsible for client entered errors.

Step 3: Application Policy

Applicants must read, agree, and adhere to the following statements:

  Signify your agreement to the the following statements I AGREE in the space provided. All fields are required on this slide.
  • I understand I must be of legal age.
  • I understand I must be legally able to sign contracts.
  • I understand payment is rendered before printing, editing, and cover art begins.
  • I understand I am personally liable for services rendered.
  • I understand I can order as many copies as I desire.
  • I understand a digital copy will be kept on file for a minimum of one year.
  • I understand a digital copy will be registered with companies where applicable (i.e. Amazon, Barnes & Noble).

Step 4: Finish

Everything in the form was correctly filled if all the steps have a green check-mark icon. A red check-mark icon indicates that some field is missing or filled out with invalid data. In this last step the user can confirm the submission of the form.

This is only a preliminary test for correct information. Upon submission, the site will further verify your information.